The inspiration for WAGS and WOOFERS began at home in Beverly Hills, California....My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Daffy, was rearranging her Crochet DOGQUETTE BLANKET. This blanket had become her most favorite of all things, and that was the beginning of our journey. We have come a long way from the handmade blankets, although we still include these wonderful treasures in our collection. Our Dog and Cat products are as individual as your Pet is, having been chosen with care and attention to detail. When searching and researching we always consider the animal's well-being above all, so all products considered are ecologically manufactured, either from new natural materials or from reusable safe materials, while keeping a low carbon Paw-print. Our WELLNESS section is devoted to keeping our Pets Healthy and COMFORT offers just that for Dogs and Cats and their pet parents.
FionaBelle > FiBee LUI DaphneRose > Daffy
Why WAGS and WOOFERS ? " Because I love Animals, and I care deeply about their well-being " she is often heard saying. "I made the leap into the Cyber Space, a place that is uncomfortable for me, but realized that reaching an audience as large as my former home, the Fashion World, would require this gigantic step forward. I have a lot to share and a knowledge base that incorporates my passion for Puppies, Kittens, Dogs and Cats with a personal style, creating a fantastic place to visit, wonderful products to buy and great information to have, so you and your fur babies can enjoy a healthy and long life together."
Gail Simms was born in New York City, although living in California, forever, and working in Europe, she considers herself a Global Resident.
David Lally is a pure Californian. Born, raised, educated and significantly enamored with the California life style to keep this his home base, even though he has worked world wide. A technically motivated person and a wiz in the field, brought David to be the other side of our Story. His love of animals and the ability to make an idea a reality, really peaked his interest. Developing a retail website that believes in the well-being and care of pets, while offering amazing products, plus donating a portion of products sold, to abandoned and abused animals. Yes, he was on board!